About us


VERVE is a local brand providing versatile clothing for modern women’s effortlessness and confidence in living their busy life, with seasonless and elegant approach in lifestyle. We believe in effortless sophistication in womenswear.

We’ve been operating since 2021 in Bandung, Indonesia as "MIKIMANA". Per 28th February 2024, we changed name to "VERVE" that means "vigor and spirit or enthusiasm".

We are currently available at 1 offline consignment store The Headline Store Surabaya 2 online stores at the e-commerce platforms Shopee and Lazada. We produce our garments locally in small quantity.

"Comfortable versatile pieces to support modern women’s busy life of choice."

What makes us different?

High quality; not mass-produced.
Versatile; suitable for every occassion from AM to PM.
Timeless design; classic, elegant, not following the trend.
Easy to mix and match.


Our Goal is to provide a community where women support other women, encouraging them to take control of their own life choices, despite what the society prescribed for us as women. And to dress them up in confidence.



Keep in Touch


+62 851-7119-7392 (Admin VERVE)

Jl. Cibingbin No. 99 Desa Laksana Mekar, Padalarang, Bandung Barat 40553